Source code for torchkge.models.translation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright TorchKGE developers
@author: Armand Boschin <>

from torch import empty, matmul, tensor
from torch.cuda import empty_cache
from torch.nn import Parameter
from torch.nn.functional import normalize

from ..models.interfaces import TranslationModel
from ..utils import init_embedding

from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

[docs]class TransEModel(TranslationModel): """Implementation of TransE model detailed in 2013 paper by Bordes et al.. This class inherits from the :class:`torchkge.models.interfaces.TranslationModel` interface. It then has its attributes as well. References ---------- * Antoine Bordes, Nicolas Usunier, Alberto Garcia-Duran, Jason Weston, and Oksana Yakhnenko. `Translating Embeddings for Modeling Multi-relational Data. <>`_ In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26, pages 2787–2795, 2013. Parameters ---------- emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding. n_entities: int Number of entities in the current data set. n_relations: int Number of relations in the current data set. dissimilarity_type: str Either 'L1' or 'L2'. Attributes ---------- emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding. ent_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_ent, emb_dim) Embeddings of the entities, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. rel_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim) Embeddings of the relations, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. """ def __init__(self, emb_dim, n_entities, n_relations, dissimilarity_type='L2'): super().__init__(n_entities, n_relations, dissimilarity_type) self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.ent_emb = init_embedding(self.n_ent, self.emb_dim) self.rel_emb = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) self.normalize_parameters() = normalize(, p=2, dim=1)
[docs] def scoring_function(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx): """Compute the scoring function for the triplets given as argument: :math:`||h + r - t||_p^p` with p being the `dissimilarity type (either 1 or 2)`. See referenced paper for more details on the score. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ h = normalize(self.ent_emb(h_idx), p=2, dim=1) t = normalize(self.ent_emb(t_idx), p=2, dim=1) r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) return - self.dissimilarity(h + r, t)
[docs] def normalize_parameters(self): """Normalize the entity embeddings, as explained in original paper. This method should be called at the end of each training epoch and at the end of training as well. """ = normalize(, p=2, dim=1)
[docs] def get_embeddings(self): """Return the embeddings of entities and relations. Returns ------- ent_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_ent, emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of entities. rel_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of relations. """ self.normalize_parameters() return,
[docs] def inference_prepare_candidates(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx, entities=True): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Get entities embeddings and relations embeddings. The output will be fed to the `inference_scoring_function` method. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ b_size = h_idx.shape[0] h = self.ent_emb(h_idx) t = self.ent_emb(t_idx) r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) if entities: candidates =, self.n_ent, self.emb_dim) candidates = candidates.expand(b_size, self.n_ent, self.emb_dim) else: candidates =, self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) candidates = candidates.expand(b_size, self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) return h, t, r, candidates
[docs]class TransHModel(TranslationModel): """Implementation of TransH model detailed in 2014 paper by Wang et al.. This class inherits from the :class:`torchkge.models.interfaces.TranslationModel` interface. It then has its attributes as well. References ---------- * Zhen Wang, Jianwen Zhang, Jianlin Feng, and Zheng Chen. `Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes. <>`_ In Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 2014. Parameters ---------- emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding space. n_entities: int Number of entities in the current data set. n_relations: int Number of relations in the current data set. Attributes ---------- emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding. ent_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_ent, emb_dim) Embeddings of the entities, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. rel_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim) Embeddings of the relations, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution. norm_vect: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim) Normal vectors associated to each relation and used to compute the relation-specific hyperplanes entities are projected on. See paper for more details. Initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. """ def __init__(self, emb_dim, n_entities, n_relations): super().__init__(n_entities, n_relations, dissimilarity_type='L2') self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.ent_emb = init_embedding(self.n_ent, self.emb_dim) self.rel_emb = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) self.norm_vect = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) self.normalize_parameters() self.evaluated_projections = False self.projected_entities = Parameter(empty(size=(self.n_rel, self.n_ent, self.emb_dim)), requires_grad=False)
[docs] def scoring_function(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx): """Compute the scoring function for the triplets given as argument: :math:`||p_r(h) + r - p_r(t)||_2^2`. See referenced paper for more details on the score. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ self.evaluated_projections = False h = normalize(self.ent_emb(h_idx), p=2, dim=1) t = normalize(self.ent_emb(t_idx), p=2, dim=1) r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) norm_vect = normalize(self.norm_vect(r_idx), p=2, dim=1) return - self.dissimilarity(self.project(h, norm_vect) + r, self.project(t, norm_vect))
@staticmethod def project(ent, norm_vect): return ent - (ent * norm_vect).sum(dim=1).view(-1, 1) * norm_vect
[docs] def normalize_parameters(self): """Normalize the entity embeddings and relations normal vectors, as explained in original paper. This methods should be called at the end of each training epoch and at the end of training as well. """ = normalize(, p=2, dim=1) = normalize(, p=2, dim=1) = self.project(,
[docs] def get_embeddings(self): """Return the embeddings of entities and relations along with relation normal vectors. Returns ------- ent_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_ent, emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of entities. rel_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of relations. norm_vect: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Normal vectors defining relation-specific hyperplanes. """ self.normalize_parameters() return,, \
[docs] def inference_prepare_candidates(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx, entities=True): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Get entities embeddings and relations embeddings. The output will be fed to the `inference_scoring_function` method. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ b_size = h_idx.shape[0] if not self.evaluated_projections: self.evaluate_projections() r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) if entities: proj_h = self.projected_entities[r_idx, h_idx] # shape: (b_size, emb_dim) proj_t = self.projected_entities[r_idx, t_idx] # shape: (b_size, emb_dim) candidates = self.projected_entities[r_idx] # shape: (b_size, self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) else: proj_h = self.projected_entities[:, h_idx].transpose(0, 1) # shape: (b_size, n_rel, emb_dim) proj_t = self.projected_entities[:, t_idx].transpose(0, 1) # shape: (b_size, n_rel, emb_dim) candidates =, self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) candidates = candidates.expand(b_size, self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) return proj_h, proj_t, r, candidates
[docs] def evaluate_projections(self): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Project all entities according to each relation. Calling this method at the beginning of link prediction makes the process faster by computing projections only once. """ if self.evaluated_projections: return for i in tqdm(range(self.n_ent), unit='entities', desc='Projecting entities'): norm_vect =, self.emb_dim) mask = tensor([i], device=norm_vect.device).long() if norm_vect.is_cuda: empty_cache() ent = self.ent_emb(mask) norm_components = (ent.view(1, -1) * norm_vect).sum(dim=1) self.projected_entities[:, i, :] = (ent.view(1, -1) - norm_components.view(-1, 1) * norm_vect) del norm_components self.evaluated_projections = True
[docs]class TransRModel(TranslationModel): """Implementation of TransR model detailed in 2015 paper by Lin et al.. This class inherits from the :class:`torchkge.models.interfaces.TranslationModel` interface. It then has its attributes as well. References ---------- * Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Yang Liu, and Xuan Zhu. `Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion. <>`_ In Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2015 Parameters ---------- ent_emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding of entities. rel_emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding of relations. n_entities: int Number of entities in the current data set. n_relations: int Number of relations in the current data set. Attributes ---------- ent_emb_dim: int Dimension nof the embedding of entities. rel_emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding of relations. ent_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_ent, ent_emb_dim) Embeddings of the entities, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. rel_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_rel, rel_emb_dim) Embeddings of the relations, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. proj_mat: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_rel, rel_emb_dim x ent_emb_dim) Relation-specific projection matrices. See paper for more details. projected_entities: `torch.nn.Parameter`, \ shape: (n_rel, n_ent, rel_emb_dim) Contains the projection of each entity in each relation-specific sub-space. evaluated_projections: bool Indicates whether `projected_entities` has been computed. This should be set to true every time a backward pass is done in train mode. """ def __init__(self, ent_emb_dim, rel_emb_dim, n_entities, n_relations): super().__init__(n_entities, n_relations, 'L2') self.ent_emb_dim = ent_emb_dim self.rel_emb_dim = rel_emb_dim self.ent_emb = init_embedding(self.n_ent, self.ent_emb_dim) self.rel_emb = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) self.proj_mat = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim * self.ent_emb_dim) self.normalize_parameters() self.evaluated_projections = False self.projected_entities = Parameter(empty(size=(self.n_rel, self.n_ent, self.rel_emb_dim)), requires_grad=False)
[docs] def scoring_function(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx): """Compute the scoring function for the triplets given as argument: :math:`||p_r(h) + r - p_r(t)||_2^2`. See referenced paper for more details on the score. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ self.evaluated_projections = False b_size = h_idx.shape[0] h = normalize(self.ent_emb(h_idx), p=2, dim=1) t = normalize(self.ent_emb(t_idx), p=2, dim=1) r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) proj_mat = self.proj_mat(r_idx).view(b_size, self.rel_emb_dim, self.ent_emb_dim) return - self.dissimilarity(self.project(h, proj_mat) + r, self.project(t, proj_mat))
def project(self, ent, proj_mat): proj_e = matmul(proj_mat, ent.view(-1, self.ent_emb_dim, 1)) return proj_e.view(-1, self.rel_emb_dim)
[docs] def normalize_parameters(self): """Normalize the entity and relation embeddings, as explained in original paper. This methods should be called at the end of each training epoch and at the end of training as well. """ = normalize(, p=2, dim=1) = normalize(, p=2, dim=1)
[docs] def get_embeddings(self): """Return the embeddings of entities and relations along with their projection matrices. Returns ------- ent_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_ent, ent_emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of entities. rel_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_rel, rel_emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of relations. proj_mat: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_rel, rel_emb_dim, ent_emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Relation-specific projection matrices. """ self.normalize_parameters() return,, \, self.rel_emb_dim, self.ent_emb_dim)
[docs] def inference_prepare_candidates(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx, entities=True): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Get entities embeddings and relations embeddings. The output will be fed to the `inference_scoring_function` method. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ b_size = h_idx.shape[0] if not self.evaluated_projections: self.evaluate_projectionss() r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) # shape = (b_size, self.rel_emb_dim) if entities: proj_h = self.projected_entities[r_idx, h_idx] # shape: (b_size, rel_emb_dim) proj_t = self.projected_entities[r_idx, t_idx] # shape: (b_size, rel_emb_dim) candidates = self.projected_entities[r_idx] # shape: (b_size, n_rel, emb_dim) else: proj_h = self.projected_entities[:, h_idx].transpose(0, 1) # shape: (b_size, n_rel, rel_emb_dim) proj_t = self.projected_entities[:, t_idx].transpose(0, 1) # shape: (b_size, n_rel, rel_emb_dim) candidates =, self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) candidates = candidates.expand(b_size, self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) return proj_h, proj_t, r, candidates
[docs] def evaluate_projectionss(self): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Project all entities according to each relation. Calling this method at the beginning of link prediction makes the process faster by computing projections only once. """ if self.evaluated_projections: return for i in tqdm(range(self.n_ent), unit='entities', desc='Projecting entities'): projection_matrices = projection_matrices = projection_matrices.view(self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim, self.ent_emb_dim) mask = tensor([i], device=projection_matrices.device).long() if projection_matrices.is_cuda: empty_cache() ent = self.ent_emb(mask) proj_ent = matmul(projection_matrices, ent.view(self.ent_emb_dim)) proj_ent = proj_ent.view(self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim, 1) self.projected_entities[:, i, :] = proj_ent.view(self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) del proj_ent self.evaluated_projections = True
[docs]class TransDModel(TranslationModel): """Implementation of TransD model detailed in 2015 paper by Ji et al.. This class inherits from the :class:`torchkge.models.interfaces.TranslationModel` interface. It then has its attributes as well. References ---------- * Guoliang Ji, Shizhu He, Liheng Xu, Kang Liu, and Jun Zhao. `Knowledge Graph Embedding via Dynamic Mapping Matrix. <>`_ In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers) pages 687–696, Beijing, China, July 2015. Association for Computational Linguistics. Parameters ---------- ent_emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding of entities. rel_emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding of relations. n_entities: int Number of entities in the current data set. n_relations: int Number of relations in the current data set. Attributes ---------- ent_emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding of entities. rel_emb_dim: int Dimension of the embedding of relations. ent_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_ent, ent_emb_dim) Embeddings of the entities, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. rel_emb: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_rel, rel_emb_dim) Embeddings of the relations, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. ent_proj_vect: `torch.nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_ent, ent_emb_dim) Entity-specific vector used to build projection matrices. See paper for more details. Initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. rel_proj_vect: `torch..nn.Embedding`, shape: (n_rel, rel_emb_dim) Relation-specific vector used to build projection matrices. See paper for more details. Initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. projected_entities: `torch.nn.Parameter`, \ shape: (n_rel, n_ent, rel_emb_dim) Contains the projection of each entity in each relation-specific sub-space. evaluated_projections: bool Indicates whether `projected_entities` has been computed. This should be set to true every time a backward pass is done in train mode. """ def __init__(self, ent_emb_dim, rel_emb_dim, n_entities, n_relations): super().__init__(n_entities, n_relations, 'L2') self.ent_emb_dim = ent_emb_dim self.rel_emb_dim = rel_emb_dim self.ent_emb = init_embedding(self.n_ent, self.ent_emb_dim) self.rel_emb = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) self.ent_proj_vect = init_embedding(self.n_ent, self.ent_emb_dim) self.rel_proj_vect = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) self.normalize_parameters() self.evaluated_projections = False self.projected_entities = Parameter(empty(size=(self.n_rel, self.n_ent, self.rel_emb_dim)), requires_grad=False)
[docs] def scoring_function(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx): """Compute the scoring function for the triplets given as argument: :math:`||p_r(h) + r - p_r(t)||_2^2`. See referenced paper for more details on the score. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ self.evaluated_projections = False h = normalize(self.ent_emb(h_idx), p=2, dim=1) t = normalize(self.ent_emb(t_idx), p=2, dim=1) r = normalize(self.rel_emb(r_idx), p=2, dim=1) h_proj_v = normalize(self.ent_proj_vect(h_idx), p=2, dim=1) t_proj_v = normalize(self.ent_proj_vect(t_idx), p=2, dim=1) r_proj_v = normalize(self.rel_proj_vect(r_idx), p=2, dim=1) proj_h = self.project(h, h_proj_v, r_proj_v) proj_t = self.project(t, t_proj_v, r_proj_v) return - self.dissimilarity(proj_h + r, proj_t)
[docs] def project(self, ent, e_proj_vect, r_proj_vect): """We note that :math:`p_r(e)_i = e^p^Te \\times r^p_i + e_i` which is more efficient to compute than the matrix formulation in the original paper. """ b_size = ent.shape[0] scalar_product = (ent * e_proj_vect).sum(dim=1) proj_e = (r_proj_vect * scalar_product.view(b_size, 1)) return proj_e + ent[:, :self.rel_emb_dim]
[docs] def normalize_parameters(self): """Normalize the entity embeddings and relations normal vectors, as explained in original paper. This methods should be called at the end of each training epoch and at the end of training as well. """ = normalize(, p=2, dim=1) = normalize(, p=2, dim=1) = normalize(, p=2, dim=1) = normalize(, p=2, dim=1)
[docs] def get_embeddings(self): """Return the embeddings of entities and relations along with their projection vectors. Returns ------- ent_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_ent, ent_emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of entities. rel_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_rel, rel_emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of relations. ent_proj_vect: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_ent, ent_emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Entity projection vectors. rel_proj_vect: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_ent, rel_emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Relation projection vectors. """ self.normalize_parameters() return,, \,
[docs] def inference_prepare_candidates(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx, entities=True): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Get entities embeddings and relations embeddings. The output will be fed to the `inference_scoring_function` method. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ b_size = h_idx.shape[0] if not self.evaluated_projections: self.evaluate_projectionss() r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) if entities: proj_h = self.projected_entities[r_idx, h_idx] # shape: (b_size, emb_dim) proj_t = self.projected_entities[r_idx, t_idx] # shape: (b_size, emb_dim) candidates = self.projected_entities[r_idx] # shape: (b_size, self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) else: proj_h = self.projected_entities[:, h_idx].transpose(0, 1) # shape: (b_size, n_rel, rel_emb_dim) proj_t = self.projected_entities[:, t_idx].transpose(0, 1) # shape: (b_size, n_rel, rel_emb_dim) candidates =, self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) candidates = candidates.expand(b_size, self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) return proj_h, proj_t, r, candidates
[docs] def evaluate_projectionss(self): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Project all entities according to each relation. Calling this method at the beginning of link prediction makes the process faster by computing projections only once. """ if self.evaluated_projections: return for i in tqdm(range(self.n_ent), unit='entities', desc='Projecting entities'): rel_proj_vects = ent = self.ent_emb.weight[i] ent_proj_vect = self.ent_proj_vect.weight[i] sc_prod = (ent_proj_vect * ent).sum(dim=0) proj_e = sc_prod * rel_proj_vects + ent[:self.rel_emb_dim].view(1, -1) self.projected_entities[:, i, :] = proj_e del proj_e self.evaluated_projections = True
[docs]class TorusEModel(TranslationModel): """Implementation of TorusE model detailed in 2018 paper by Ebisu and Ichise. This class inherits from the :class:`torchkge.models.interfaces.TranslationModel` interface. It then has its attributes as well. References ---------- * Takuma Ebisu and Ryutaro Ichise `TorusE: Knowledge Graph Embedding on a Lie Group. <>`_ In Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (New Orleans, LA, USA, Feb. 2018), AAAI Press, pp. 1819–1826. Parameters ---------- emb_dim: int Embedding dimension. n_entities: int Number of entities in the current data set. n_relations: int Number of relations in the current data set. dissimilarity_type: str One of 'torus_L1', 'torus_L2', 'torus_eL2'. Attributes ---------- emb_dim: int Embedding dimension. ent_emb: torch.nn.Embedding, shape: (n_ent, emb_dim) Embeddings of the entities, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. rel_emb: torch.nn.Embedding, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim) Embeddings of the relations, initialized with Xavier uniform distribution and then normalized. """ def __init__(self, emb_dim, n_entities, n_relations, dissimilarity_type): assert dissimilarity_type in ['L1', 'torus_L1', 'torus_L2', 'torus_eL2'] super().__init__(n_entities, n_relations, dissimilarity_type) self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.ent_emb = init_embedding(self.n_ent, self.emb_dim) self.rel_emb = init_embedding(self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) self.normalized = False self.normalize_parameters()
[docs] def scoring_function(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx): """Compute the scoring function for the triplets given as argument: See referenced paper for more details on the score. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ self.normalized = False h = self.ent_emb(h_idx) t = self.ent_emb(t_idx) r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) return - self.dissimilarity(h + r, t)
[docs] def normalize_parameters(self): """Project embeddings on torus. """ self.normalized = True
[docs] def get_embeddings(self): """Return the embeddings of entities and relations. Returns ------- ent_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_ent, emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of entities. rel_emb: torch.Tensor, shape: (n_rel, emb_dim), dtype: torch.float Embeddings of relations. """ self.normalize_parameters() return,
[docs] def inference_prepare_candidates(self, h_idx, t_idx, r_idx, entities=True): """Link prediction evaluation helper function. Get entities embeddings and relations embeddings. The output will be fed to the `inference_scoring_function` method. See torchkge.models.interfaces.Models for more details on the API. """ b_size = h_idx.shape[0] if not self.normalized: self.normalize_parameters() h = self.ent_emb(h_idx) t = self.ent_emb(t_idx) r = self.rel_emb(r_idx) if entities: candidates =, self.n_ent, self.emb_dim) candidates = candidates.expand(b_size, self.n_ent, self.emb_dim) else: candidates =, self.n_rel, self.emb_dim) candidates = candidates.expand(b_size, self.n_rel, self.rel_emb_dim) return h, t, r, candidates